Acknowledgment and Bibliography

Acknowledging The Visitor

          There may be a little bit of almost everything worthwhile that I have ever felt, thought, experienced and read restated in this book. However, there are some books and teachings from which I have drawn more inspiration than others. The passages that deal with Personality, the range of Personality performance, the Seven Adjutant Mind Spirits, prayer,  meditation and the Cosmic Levels are restatements, paraphrases and personal insights derived from
The Urantia Book. Other sources of inspiration, information, and confirmation are Science of Mind, the Pathway to Roses, Spirits In Rebellion, The Tao Te Ching, Healing Words, The Structure of Scientific Revolution, The Holotropic Mind, The Living Universe, Wisdom of the Body, Train Your Mind- Change Your Brain, EarthDance by Elizabet Sahtouris, the books of Deepak Chopra, David Simon and Thich Nacht Hanh, and my personal experiences with Buddhist philosophy and transcendental meditation.
          It was my intention to keep this book from being too detailed in scientific facts as the focus is more on fractal patterns and the whole rather than the parts. Also, the detailing of those facts have already been done by persons more qualified than myself. Further in-depth study of the books I mention here should give the reader enough details to answer any questions that may arise.
          All in all, the truths in this book are glimpses of their manifestations in my life. It is through my eyes, my heart and my soul that I have experienced them but they did not originate with me. Where did they come from? Aside from the inner connection, there are books, peoples, music, the arts, events; so many things in life are potential avenues of  information from a higher source. Like an invisible Visitor.

Bibliography and Suggested Readings

          When it came to using information from other books, because of the personal nature of spiritual insights and perspectives, I did not use many verbatim quotes from the sources that influenced me. In some cases I restated the information to give it my own perspective and to lend it a  personal flavor. Also, I felt that the more varied the ways of phrasing concepts are available, the wider the exposure to such concepts would be. In other words, why echo something that is already available on the shelf, when it could be re-expressed in a different way that could be more palatable and/or understandable?

Baker, R. (2006)
Sperm Wars, Avalon Publishing Group
Begley, S. (2007)
Train Your Mind, Change Your Brain,  Ballantine Books
Braden, C.S. (1987) 
Spirits In Rebellion- The Rise and Development of New Thought,
Southern Methodist University Press
Chopra, D (2004)
The Book of Secrets, Random House
Chopra, D. and Simon, D. (2004)
The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga,
  John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Doidge, N. (2007)
The Brain That Changes Itself, Penguin Books
Doren, C. (1991)
A History of Knowledge,  Ballantine Books
Dossey, L.,  (1993)
Healing Words - The Power of Prayer and the Practice of Medicine,
Harper Collins
Grof, S. and Bennett, H.Z. (1993)
The Holotropic Mind - The Three Levels of Human
     Consciousness and How They Shape Our Lives,
Harper Collins
Hanh, T.N. (1999)
The Miracle of Mindfulness, Beacon Press
Holmes, E. (1938)
The Science of Mind, G.P. Putnam's Sons
Kuhn, T.S. (1996)
The Structure of Scientific Revolution 3rd Edition, The University of
Chicago Press
Larson. C. (1994)
The Pathway to Roses, Newcastle Publishing
Nuland, S. (1997)
Wisdom of the Body, Alfred A. Knopf
Omura, R. (2000)
Katsugen - The Gentle Art of Well Being, Writers Club Press
Omura, R.  (2000
) The Tao Of God, Writers Club Press
Praamsma, S. and Block, M. (eds) (2003)
The Sherman Diaries, Vol. 2 - Revelation and
Rebellion 1942,
Square Circles Publishing
Sahtouris, E. (2000) EarthDance --
Living Systems in Evolution, iUniverse Press
Schwartz, E.R. and Russeck, L.  (1999)
The Living Energy Universe, Hampton Roads
) The Urantia Book, Urantia Foundation
The Urantia Book - Indexed Version, Uversa Press

About the Author


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