Where Are You?

ishly obedient to cause and effect. Purely mechanical.
          It's a scary choice. To be godlike or to be an unthinking robot? To be godlike requires a lot of faith and effort, with the possibility of pain and suffering - a tremendous undertaking. To be a robot only requires that you negate your own will and become as nothing.
          By regularly connecting with The Source through service, prayer and worshipful meditation we can have the best of both worlds. We can start on the path to universe ascension and yet leave the details to the Creator. After all, we are still spiritual embryos. We are not expected to become brilliantly mature spiritual entities immediately.
          So we can lighten up, relax and live loyally each day as a spiritual embryo…and the moment will come when we begin to transform.

          When a tadpole has finished growing its legs, it will take to land. The tadpole's tiny brain realizes its no longer a tadpole, that it is now a frog and makes the leap out of the water.

          A fledgling eagle, having grown enough feathers and usable wings must sometime take flight.  It may hesitate on the edge of the nest but the time must come when it makes the leap.

          A human being, having experienced the vicissitudes of life, makes enough life decisions to empower his soul. The leap happens when he realizes he is no longer human, that there is no longer any attachment to his original medium. It usually happens at the time of mortal death., but sometimes before.

Where Are You?

          The light draws us toward perfection. We are led by that divine spark within us to go seek the ideals of existence. All we have to do is to follow those leadings to explore the length, depth and breadth of our journey. With unmitigated faith and unceasing effort, we will surely arrive at our destination.
          It sounds easy, and from the viewpoint of eternity, it is. But the minute details in the moments of our temporal existence can sometimes seem daunting.
          As we evolve in spirit, we are given more freedom to choose our own paths and routes. A child is given little freedom until she has proven responsible and mature enough to determine her own fate without causing harm to herself or to others. Fractally, it is the same for souls. A soul is given more freedom as it matures and grows in wisdom, as it follows the beacon of divine light within to master the challenges that come its way through the course of life. Then, like a child growing up to become a responsible adult, the soul evolves to become master of the unified vehicle, the Personality matrix. No longer can the vehicle be derailed by the lusts of the body nor the obsessions of the intellect, for the mind has delegated decision making powers to the soul to allow it to freely follow the directions of spirit. This usually happens gradually, and more and more, the course of life is charted ever increasingly by the evolving soul.
          During the infantile years of our soul's evolution, we may pray to God and say, "Not my will but yours be done." This is a negation of our own will, and is in recognition of our inability to determine the best course for ourselves; we defer to the Creator that knows what the best is for us. However, like young children, we are often unable to follow directions and make childlike mistakes. We fall quite often and scrape our knees.
          When we evolve a bit more to assume some knowledge of the universe around us, we may then change our prayer to say, "My will is that your will be done." This does not negate our own will but positively asserts our own will to do God's will. Rather than being like infants under the strict command of our parents, we are like respectful adolescents who anticipate the wishes of our parents and proceed to act on them with initiative. We begin to do some good in the world, but our efforts are sometimes lacking in knowledge and wisdom. We may stumble often but hardly fall.
          Upon reaching soul maturity, the prayer may change again to say, "My will and yours are as one." This means that effectively, we have become instruments of God. We are his hands, his eyes, his mouth, his ears, and his brains. We act with certainty based on the experiential wisdom of our lives, our education and the existential leadings of our spirit. We become God's representatives on this world, knowing with full assurance that the Creator trusts us to do the right thing. It becomes rare that we stumble, falling happens only in isolated circumstances.
          Where you are now determines how you proceed. If your soul is at the infant stage, be humble and defer your will to God. Make efforts to discern his will by sharing your inner life with him regularly. If your soul is at the adolescent level, feel good that you can sometimes distinguish   
          God's will, and proceed to act upon it in the best way you can, with perseverance. If your soul is truly at the adult stage, it means that your faith and effort in soul evolution have reached a degree of fruition and that God trusts you to work on his business without being micromanaged. Have faith that you know what you are doing. Make decisions confidently knowing that you are one with the Creator.


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