Chapter Seven – The Real World

Chapter Seven - The Real World

"Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore."
-Judy Garland from
                            The Wizard of Oz By Noel Langley

          You literally have the power to change reality for the better and to upgrade to a higher level with a new life vehicle when the time comes. But you have to make the best of the life vehicle you have right now in order to evolve into a new one. The best way for a tadpole to become a frog is live each day loyally as a tadpole. The best way for a human being to become spirit is to live each day loyally as a human being.
          This book was not meant for the animal in man. Nor was it meant for the merely human. This book is for those souls that are undergoing a transformation from the physical to the spiritual. For this to happen, there must be a sense of self as well as selflessness. One of the myths we must re-think is the idea that "self" is not desirable on a spiritual path, that ego is bad.
          Selflessness is a virtue. But selflessness is a giving of one's self, not a negation of self. One must have a sense of self in order give it. All of the wonderful things that humans have accomplished in various endeavors happened because the individuals had both a sense of self, ego, plus a desire to be selfless in order to benefit those around them. If one were to be totally without self, without ego, one would be dissolved into the universe and would be as nothing, and therefore useless to the world at large.
          The desire to be totally without self is a yearning to go back to the mother's womb, to go back into the comfortable warmth of infinity. This connection to The Source is very important in our daily lives so that we can re-energize our souls, but this is not our goal or purpose. This is where we came from, not where we are going.
          We came from Nothing and go into Everything.
          We are evolving into becoming separate sovereign entities in our own right; one with the Creator and yet separate. As children of the Cosmic Parent, we are slowly learning to shoulder some of the burdens of maintaining reality.
          To choose to live as a separate but connected entity means we are assuming control of tiny bits of the universe; initially starting with our minds, then our bodies, then our immediate environment. We are evolving into becoming able to take responsibility for our reality.
          It is not easy. It is much easier to just dissolve into the woodwork forever, but we can always do that by exercising our free will option -- choose to cease to exist.
          To be a bonafide spiritual entity, in our own right and in the eyes of the universe, we must be one in body, mind, and soul and have made the wholehearted decision to enter onto the road of self-mastery. This means being totally capable of being held accountable for your actions. If you do not have the minimum level of self-mastery, that is, control of your body, mind and soul, as a whole, then you are not really "real" yet in the elliptical universe. You don't really have a whole "self" until you have attained oneness with yourself.

          This path from nothing to something, from imperfection to perfection, from the unqualified to the qualified is a career - a career that spans millions of years and light years, across vast domains of time and space. This career is only possible if we have a sense of self. However, self/ego is double edged.

One must have a sense of self, and yet one must not be self-absorbed.
One must see oneself in order to see others.
One must like oneself in order to like others.
One must love oneself in order to love others.
One must understand oneself in order to understand others.
And so, one must understand wholeness in order to understand separateness.
Separateness, to understand wholeness.
That is the holonic pattern of us and the universe: to be whole, and yet be separate.
To be separate, yet to be whole.
To have self, yet be selfless.
To be selfless and to find your true self.

          Self is the basic unit of conscious volition under your free will. Free will is the ability of spiritually connected beings to break the inertia of cause and effect by making an internal decision. Free will is both a wonderful thing and a curse. With free will we can soar to the heights of attainment, but with free will we can also screw up so badly that we cause immense pain, suffering and hardships to ourselves and others.
          But without it, we are like robots, automatons, without volition and hardwired to be slav


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