
tell us all along. It's basically very simple.
          If we choose to be of value to the whole organism, to the universe, to God, then we will be kept and we will continue to grow and evolve, participating in the flowering of the universe. If we are not of value, our life will only be retained as static data in the universe hall of records. This also relates to our health. If we are of value to the universe (God) by doing all we can for it (him/her), the master organism of the universe will keep us healthy, but only if we can connect to it on a regular basis and move in the dimensions of length, depth and breadth, and do what we must do, such as exercise, meditate and use the information that flows to us through our connections with other people, things and events.
          It is vital that we know how we can be of value to the whole universe as opposed to self interest, or group interest. For instance, we can be loyal and dedicated to our country but if our country is engaged in aggression and war, we are part of a force that is not doing the universe any good. By connecting to the universal consciousness on a regular basis we can know how to best serve the entire whole rather than the part. And by receiving this spiritual understanding from the Source, and by expressing as much of it as we can to those immediately around us, we can spread the universal consciousness, even if one is part of a group that has separated itself from the whole.
          The question of whether an individual is of value to the universe is hard to answer. Ultimately, and in the cosmic plan, only God knows for sure.  Analytical thinking goes nowhere in this matter. We cannot tally up all the positive things we have done and subtract the negatives and come up with the total value. Our value is just not quantifiable in this way.  After all, how can we say that a given good deed is canceled by a bad one? Or a bad action done away with a good one, when each deed is singularly different with different motivations, circumstances and consequences?
          But there is an answer to this, which may not be deducible by the intellect but is understandable to the soul. It all comes down to love. It is the love within us, and how we manifest that love through action, that determines our value. Not love like in "I love ice cream," or "I love movies," which tends to  make the word "love" trivial, but love that you would give your life for, love that you would suffer pain for, love that would be the  most important thing in your life, even over your life. It could be a love for a thing, such as our planet, nature, activity; love for a concept or idea, as in freedom, justice and equality; or love of soul and spirit as in loving another person or deity. But this love, truly, as it is manifested in us and through us out to others, is value that the universe would treasure, for it is the essence of God and gives life meaning and makes it worth living.


          When we decide who we really want to be (for it is our choice, not a box we are forced into by a dictatorial creator) and we find out the range of motions we are capable of, the destination, the landscape that we will be traversing, the personalities involved and the ways of optimizing the means of locomotion, we will be well equipped to enter into the true reality of our soul's new domain. Then, after a while, along the journey we will reach a certain point when we realize that we are driving our unified vehicle well. We are going where we want to go and enjoying the trip.
          That may mean that we have achieved self-mastery, the minimum requirement of operating in the real world of trustworthy and responsible entities. Metaphorically, we have been potty trained and become able to eat solid spiritual food without spitting it out. We have control over our animal natures and do not have to be constantly watched over by seraphic babysitters. We do not cry and go into violent temper tantrums: we do not destroy our environment, hurt ourselves or other people. We are mindful of our place in the universe. We can actually control ourselves!
          It does not take much awareness of the world to realize that most of the inhabitants of this planet are not yet at this stage. But it does take some level of awareness to see that there is a quickening, a flurry of activity going on that is exciting and promising. Eggs are cracking, caterpillars are weaving cocoons, tadpoles are growing legs.
          What we do here at this juncture is extremely important. Our transformation is not just physical, as in the examples above from the world of nature, but it is initiated by our souls, guided by our spirit and implemented by our minds. We must know what we are doing, for it is not by luck, chance or fortune that we enter into this. We are fully responsible and accountable for what we become. That is the meaning of self-mastery.  We cannot be credited or blamed for something we have no control over. When we are our own masters, we are co-creators with God of our own destiny. We do not become eternal by accident, only by volition.
          So be aware of who you are and the reality you exist in. Be aware of the now and the eternal. Of matter and spirit. Of the internal and the external. They are all one. You do not live in a world of mystical fantasy, nor do you live in a mechanistic world of loveless robots.
          Reality as seen by a materialist scientist consists of matter/energy. Reality as seen by the spiritual mystic consists of soul/spirit. The materialist's inner world  is filled with spiritual realities, yet he ignores them as being immaterial. The mystic's outer world is composed of matter, yet he ignores them as being not of the spirit. Both of their visions of reality are one-sided and partial.
          The idea of spiritual reality is but a mystical haze to most people, even to some who embrace the spirit. To them spiritual reality is a dreamlike, nebulous place of light, brilliance and luminous beings; a dimension not of this time and space, a reality far removed from the atoms and molecules of our material world. They are often told that material reality is an illusion and a shell empty of spiritual values. A place far removed from the realms of God, divinity and spirit.
          Such ideas must be abandoned. Ideas that place spiritual reality as being far removed from material reality separates reality into two diametrically opposite ends. God's reality is one, as God is one.


Continued ...