Soul Work

out spiritual experiences on our own, rather than to adhere to obsolete practices or to just wait for new ones to appear. And we need to lighten up our attitude on rituals. Have fun with them and not take them so seriously.

          Having mentioned how methods of receiving spiritual inspiration have devolved into rituals, we must keep that tendency from crystallizing and ritualizing our practices that enable us to keep in touch with spirit. By realizing that these methods are personal and that what works well for one person might not for others, and that the practices must change and evolve as we ourselves change and evolve, we can maintain an atmosphere of objectivity and openness in our efforts to create and work on progressive devices for stimulating spiritual activity.
          What follows are some tried and true methods. There are more, some that I know of and probably more than I am not aware of, many of which may be in the process of being created right at this instant. They can all be described under the general heading of soul work.

Soul Work

          Soul work can be described as any process where we explore the length, depth and breadth of our inner and outer reality in order to ascertain and to do the will of our Creator. In this section we will cover the various ways of connecting to the universe 1. Worshipful Meditation 2. Uplifting Prayer, and 3. Service.
          God is within and God is without. The universal Creator created all realities, internal and external, so therefore he must simultaneously exist in both. To say otherwise is to put human conceptual limits on an omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent, eternal, absolute and infinite being. It is curious why some deep thinkers in the past relegate God only to the external or internal, just as they limit it to being personal or impersonal, male or female. The Creator of All, by definition must encompass all of those realities, and more.
          The effort to get closer to God in the external world as we progress in space and time and as we upgrade in form and levels of mind toward Paradise is the movement of Personality in length. The superconscious reflections of
worshipful meditation is an effective tool to optimize this movement. During this process, we allow our souls to consciously recognize the external reality of total space, time and spirit as discovered by science and informed by revelation, and are drawn by the Creator's energy to increasingly make physical reality perfect. By manifesting divinity in our lives we change for the better the world around us, including our own form.
          The effort to find God in the internal world as we delve deep into our inner life is the movement of Personality in depth. The uplifting power of
prayer is an efficacious method to fully empower the divine resources in the depths of our being. By praying to manifest in our lives our deepest drives and most spiritual reactions, we bring our most profound qualities to the fore.
          The effort to find God in the soul's of other people and in his creations is the movement of Personality in breadth. The loving ministry of
service is a tried and true way to achieve such divine relationships with God's creatures and creations. By coordinating, organizing and associating the various things, systems and personalities of the world around us in uplifting service,  we  transmit the love from God to each other in a network of divine harmony.
          These efforts by the Personality to find God in all three dimensions is soul work. Through soul work we optimize the performance of our unified human vehicle. The vehicle can function without conscious soul work, but it will be sluggish and performance will be mediocre and unexceptional.

          Through our natural and inherent desire that draws us toward the source of all creation, we allow the spiritual ministry of our Creator to draw our imperfect animal selves toward becoming perfecting spirits. This ministry is reflected in the Seven Mind Spirits of
intuition, understanding, courage, knowledge, counsel, worship and wisdom. As we become more tuned in to the First Source of creation, we give more credit to intuition, we want more understanding, we value courage more, we gain more thirst for knowledge, we desire better relationships, we wish more fulfilling worship, and we gain more wisdom. This results in steadily advancing through the psychic circles of universal attainment, and when the quality and quantity of our soul reaches critical mass, we begin to allow the soul to have more authority in the direction of our lives. The soul, having escaped the animal heritage, cannot use the seven mind circuits and must tap into a higher source of empowerment, the spiritual circuits, which replaces intuition with faith and insight, understanding with soul reason, courage with the soul's convictions of spiritual realties, knowledge with soul intelligence, counsel with recognition of true relationships, the urge to worship with true worship, and human wisdom with soul wisdom.
          For many humans in this age, the soul may not be fully empowered, or if it is, only briefly and sporadically during the course of one's life, so that these higher spiritual influences are rarely used. But through regular soul work, we can progress dynamically in all the personality performance ranges of length, depth and breadth.  These are the techniques by which the insights in this book have come.

1. Connecting to the Source: Meditation

          I have experience with three very different types of meditational states: worshipful meditation, mindal meditation, and mystical meditation.
          To simplify, worshipful meditation is the act of reaching out to the Creator of All. It is an attempt to contact and to be unified with the First Source of all creation. A superconscious state.


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