

My words fly up, my thoughts remain below:
Words without thoughts never to heaven go.

                                                                                                           - Shakespeare

          This is a book with a cosmic perspective. It is not solely rational, nor is it solely mystical. It is both and more. If you read this book with a scientific mind, you will only gain a partial understanding of it. If you read this book with a mystical mind, your understanding will also be incomplete. You must use both the analytical faculties sharpened by science AND insights gained from spiritual practices PLUS the wisdom gleaned from your day-to- day experiences coping with reality.
          This book is also an exploration of perception and transformation, as individuals and as a collective. It is about becoming aware of who we are, how we are evolving, and what we are evolving into. You will find seeming contradictions and paradoxes here. You will be challenged, for I will break open the boundaries of your precious conceptions and extend them out into infinity, for everything I write here is true, and at the same time false. Is that possible? Some people really think they know what is impossible. When you think you know what is impossible, that is the closing of the mind - the end of true inquiry and discovery.
          What I share with you is more than a patchwork of ideas and concepts. This is a presentation of new conceptual frameworks, new boxes, new envelopes that deal in larger scales and deeper understandings of the material and spiritual universe than the ones commonly accepted. Like finding undiscovered windows into unknown vistas or new angles of perception into familiar scenes, we must shift our view by shifting where we stand.
          From the cosmic viewpoint, i.e., not a geocentric one but from outside this planet, the universe is elliptical--a reality that is both material and spiritual. Being an elliptical document, this book must be both linear and circular, rational and mystical, scientific and spiritual, artistic and practical.
         The point of the book is to see things from a bigger perspective. To see things from beyond the perception of most human beings, to see things from the outside, looking in, rather than from the inside, looking out. The universe out there is a mystery and we have our skepticism, but there is information that is purportedly from out there, information that is helpful and friendly, even spiritual. Why not, at least, listen?
          Gently run this book through your mind and soul a few times. Read it casually, skipping the parts that do not speak to you. Put it down and come back to it. Play with the concepts.
You will begin to absorb the patterns with your soul just by being exposed to it, with no effort apart from giving it a chance. When the patterns begin to fall into place, understanding will come, and you will start to see glimmers of a reality that had been hidden from you.
          Information that comes from outside the box is often hard to understand because it comes from outside our experience. If we can understand this difficulty we can get around it by the use of metaphors. The following story of The Visitor is an illustration of this.

Prologue: The Visitor

          A person from a modern industrialized country goes to a land called Urpa in a neglected part of the world that is still virtually in the stone age. The inhabitants, who are called Urps, live in a desert, with no streams, rivers or lakes, obtaining water only from the rain. They have no technology, no contact with the rest of the world and hunt and forage for a living, but they have simple tools and make bowls and cups out of clay. The Urps have only a rudimentary language which the visitor learns.
          The natives are curious about the rest of the world and asks the visitor how he arrived. The newcomer tells them that part of the journey was across an ocean on a large ship, an ocean liner. This information is bewildering to the Urps. What is an ocean, they ask? What is an ocean liner? They have never seen a large body of water, not even a lake, and have never seen a boat or a ship. They have no concept of what the visitor is talking about.
       The modern person is stumped. How can he tell them of these things when they have never experienced anything similar? After pondering this for a while he decides to use an analogy. He tells them, an ocean is like a very big bowl full of water. He takes a clay bowl and fills it with water. He says, just imagine this bowl if it was the size of the desert, and as this bowl is full of water, imagine the desert full of water. That would be the ocean. Then he puts a tiny leaf and floats it on the water in the bowl. This leaf is like an ocean liner, he says, except the liner is many times greater and holds thousands of people.
          Up to that point, the Urps have a tiny inkling of what he is talking about, then he tells them that the ocean liner has movie theaters, pools, bowling alleys, dining rooms and a huge engine that pro

