
the same way in the total scheme of things. By becoming of value to the totality of the universal consciousness (God), those who are "short-term memory cells" can become "long-term memory cells" and continue to exist in the reality of the universal organism. Because these "memory cells" are of value to God,  they will be kept eternally, (or at least for a very long time.)
          That is the fractal explanation of how we can attain eternal life. Once you see it in this light, it becomes rather obvious, with no need for scientific evidence or scriptural authority. This is what the many religions have been trying to tell us for so long. But by looking at reality from a fractal viewpoint, we can see the true picture by transcending the fuzziness of religion and the strict requirements of science.
          Most of us are well aware of the holonic units which are our cells, our selves, and the planet. Some of us have an awareness and a direct personal relationship with God, the maximum holonic unit. Very few are aware of the holonic intelligences that exist in the levels between Gaia, the planetary holonic being and God, the universal holonic being. There is information available that fills this gap and we will get to that in just a bit.
          We know that there is communication between the person and the cells in our body. When the cells feel heat, or pain, or any sensation, that information is communicated to the brain cells and to the unified whole: body, mind and soul. Conversely, when the person desires to think or act in some way; to exercise, play music, read, eat, etc., the command is communicated to the cells and enables the body to behave accordingly. It has been shown that even just our thoughts affect our cells in some way.
          However, this exchange of information is not limited to the individual and the cells in the body. This communication process extends all the way to the maximum holonic entity - the Creator/Supreme Being…and back, in a universal cycle.
          With our present day knowledge, it is easy to see the physical connections between the person and his cells, and even the connections between the person and the planet. But there is no material evidence of any links between us and God. Even the spiritual evidence of such a connection is unprovable and is dependent solely on faith. The incredible news is that this large unfilled gap in our awareness of what lies between us and the maximum holonic intelligence is now being filled, not by science or religion, but by revelatory information from larger holonic entities that inhabit this huge space.
          One of the sources of this information is
The Urantia Book. It designates these larger holonic units of the universe in increments from local systems on up to local universes, superuniverses and to the grand universe - this last grouping comprising all of Creation. The Urantia Book purports to be from entities that are part of the superuniverse holonic intelligence.
          The teachings of many of our religions are handed down from the large and various holonic intelligences that exist in the intervening levels between the planet and the grand universe, but they all originate from the First Source and Center - the maximum holonic entity - the Universal Parent - God. And according to
The Urantia Book, "this material and living organism is penetrated by intelligence circuits, even as the human body is traversed by a network of neural sensation paths."
          This work,
The Whole Universe Book, is about the information that has come through this network of intelligence circuits, and how it has been stepped down by necessity. This graduated stepping down of information from the maximum holonic entity to us is necessary because we, humans, do not have the prerequisite frames of reference that can enable us to fully understand the lofty ideas and concepts that come from such a high source. The story of the Visitor in the Preface of this book is an illustration of this limitation.
          The problem with information from such a high origin is that it is often dumbed down and made too illogical and mystical, or inversely, completely disregarded because it doesn't fulfill the requirements of having the material evidence demanded by science. This problem is resolved in this book by the use of elliptical philosophy, wherein we consider that true reality is neither solely spiritual nor material, but both, and in light of this awareness, this book is presented, not as a religious tract nor a scientific document, but as an artistic expression using the insights of both disciplines to portray a universal reality that can be understood by the whole personality unifying body, mind and soul.
          Oh, and one more thing. It is important that you do not take yourself too seriously, that you embody a feeling of lightness, humor and a sense of adventure and, most of all, fun! And so, in exploring this fractal reality, the metaphor of the human being as an automobile is used, beginning with a description of your components, then some ideas about your destination, your range of movement and how you get there.
          So are you ready to go? Well, get in and close the door! Put the key in...

