Fractals and Holons

          The age old questions. So what else is new? Are the messages from outside still the same? Do they have nothing new to tell us beside the old concepts and philosophies that have been covered over the past millennia or three? The good news is that now they can give us more detailed information, information that we can understand, having earned them through our advances in science.
         The basis for the information in this book is based on a fractal perspective coordinated with the latest scientific discoveries, incredible information that is purportedly from off-world, and spiritual teachings from the oldest faith traditions to the newest. The rigidity of science and the intangibles of religion will be dissolved within the framework of this fractal perspective. This is not science, nor is it religion. It is an elliptical philosophy that uses fractal theory correlated with information that purports to be from an external source to see reality within the context of the micro and  macro, matter and spirit, the part and the whole.

Fractals and Holons

          Looking at universe reality through patterns is an elliptic way of perception. It is logical and reasonable, yet, it requires a certain amount of faith, insight and imagination.
          Fractals are patterns in the universe that are reflected from the smallest to the largest, the largest to the smallest. (See accompanying text and graphics.)
holon (Greek: holos, "whole") is something that is simultaneously a whole and a part. the word was coined by Arthur Koestler in his book The Ghost in the Machine
          Holons can be thought of as fractal units. Fractals can be evident without forming a unit. I see the fractal nature of reality in my life, and the older I get, the more I see it around me on all levels. A small mound of dirt, which is a holon, makes up larger mounds which together make small hills. These hills make larger hills which makes small mountains which then make up a large mountain. Those individual mounds are holonic units. The pattern of an atom with its tiny revolving spheres is reflected in the pattern of the solar system and on a grander scale in globular clusters and galaxies, which are all holonic units. The design of a leaf is reflected on a larger scale in the branch, and then in the tree.
          The purpose of the cosmic adventure we call life can be examined by seeing the patterns of fractal reality in the immediate now. The holonic pattern in the now is also the pattern of all eternity.
           I also see these fractals in the spiritual patterns of existence. The Christian concept of the trinity: the Father, Son and the Holy Ghost can be seen in my personal experience of gaining consciousness. When I first wake up in the morning I am pure existential awareness, without expression or action. This is the pattern of the Father. As I recognize my consciousness and express the awareness of my state to myself, saying to myself "I am awake", this is the pattern of the Son. When I act on this thought in my head and open my eyes, this is action, the pattern of the Holy Ghost. Existence, expression and action. As I see this pattern in the awakening of my consciousness, I see that that is the pattern of the beginning of all existence.  It is only three by explanation, in actuality the three happen simultaneously and are as one. I am one, as God is one.
          I can see fractals all around me even as I write this on my computer. This rectangle
 is a holon reflected on a bigger scale as a white rectangle representing the page, then as the edge of my software graphic interface, then as the inside edge of the monitor screen, the outside edge, then as the square wall behind the screen, then as a three dimensional extension to the whole room, then to the apartment unit, then to the building, to the lot, to the block, etc.
          Fractal patterns also happen in behavior. In the book "Sperm Wars" by Robin Baker, he cites research data that only one percent of sperm is designed to penetrate the egg. The rest are killers and blockers that ward off sperm from competing male ejaculates so that it's egg getters can achieve its goal. I see this competitive behavior reflected fractally in our society, as aggression to each other, in sports, on the roads and freeways and in our militaristic adventures.
         The living cell extends its fractal patterns to the human organism, of which it is a part. Human beings are a part of this planet, Earth, which is an extension of the fractal pattern of the cell on a large scale. As the cell and the human being is a living organism, it is fractally logical that Earth, too, is a living organism, which hypothesis has been proposed by research scientist Dr. James Lovelock in 1960, with more evidence now available to make it a full-blown theory rather than just a hypothesis. Elizabet Sahtouris has also added an abundance of information that gives this theory immense credence in her book EarthDance. However, just as you know without need of scientific proof that you, yourself, are a sentient living organism, you can, through deep states of meditational relaxation achieve the same level of consciousness and know with certainty that Gaia, our planet, is a living organism in its early stages of infancy. This is discussed in greater detail at the end of this book.

